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Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Improving Patient Safety, Patient Flow and the Bottom Line, 2nd Edition

Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Improving Patient Safety, Patient Flow and the Bottom Line, 2nd Edition

Author(s) :Jay Arthur
This thoroughly revised resource shows stepbystep how to simplify streamline analyze and optimize healthcare performance using tested Lean Six Sigma and change management techniquesLean Six Sigma for Hospitals Second Edition follows the patient from the front door of th...
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case studies

Abstract While mammography remains the gold standard for detecting breast cancer research has shown...

Abstract Objective The medical literature lacks a comprehensive taxonomy of decisions made by phys...

White Papers

Summary An increase in the healthcare services portfolio combined with population growth ageing and...

Summary Big Data and Analytics systems are fast emerging as one of the critical system in an organi...

Healthcare Events & Exhibitions

calendar-icon  21 - 22 Jun 2024

Global Cardiology and Healthcare Summit

location-iconDubai, United Arab Emirates

[email protected] Go to Event

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